
Major Invited Addresses, Workshops and Colloquia

2024                                  Coping with serious disease: The role of social comparison. International Conference Health, Environment and Sustainable Development: Interdisciplinary Approach. Kauno Colejia, Kaunas, Lithuania, September 26.

2023                            Over Spel. Bijdrage aan podcasts van Carolien Borgers, te horen onder meer op Spotify, wekelijks uitgebracht van 26 juni tot 17 juli.

2023                            Diferencias de género en las características del rival que provocan celos: una perspectiva evolucionista. Conferencia Invitada. Universidad Javeriana, Bogota, Colombia, March 23.

2022                             Hoe monogaam zijn mensen? Lezing voor  het Zweefcafé, TivoliVredenburg. Utrecht, 22 november.

2022                             Parental control of mate choice. The universality of a parent-offspring conflict. Presentation for the Biological Thursdays of the Faculty of Science,    Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, April 7.

2022                              Jealousy and Intra-sexual Competitiveness:  The role of rivals, individual differences and biological influences. Presentation for  the Faculty of Art,   Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, April 6.

2019 -2024          Samenwerking of strijd? Een evolutionair perspectief. Workshops voor overheidsjuristen. Academie voor Overheidsjuristen.

2019                            Intrasexual competitiveness. Presentation for the Department of Psychology, Mykolas Romeris University,  Lithuania, May 14th

2019                           Kunnen leiders het ooit goed doen? Een evolutionair perspectief. Workshop voor leidinggevende overheidsjuristen. Academie voor Overheidsjuristen, Den Haag, 10 september.

2019                       Determinants of intrasexual competitiveness. Presentation for  Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya, Jakarta, Indonesia,  April 22nd

2019                      Individual differences in intrasexual competition: from personality and demographic context to hormones and behavior. Oral presentation at the  3rd World  Conference on Personality. Hanoi, Vietnam,  April 2-6. 

2019                         Attitudes towards parental control of mate choice, opposition to outgroup mating and ethnic identification in Surinam (with Glenn Leckie & Dahira Pollack). 31st Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior & Evolution Society, Boston, MA, USA, June 1

2018                 The importance of oral health for interpersonal relationships: An evolutionary perspective(with Yvonne A.B. Buunk-Werkhoven). 15th International Conference on Social Sciences, Leuven, July 13-14

2018                 Sense of defeat, social status and oral health among forensic psychiatric patients (with Yvonne A.B. Buunk-Werkhoven). 15th International Conference on Social Sciences, Leuven, July 13-14

2018                    Height: its psychological and evolutionary significance. 2nd Javea Workshop on Social and Evolutionary Psychology. Javea, Spain, June 28 – 30 2018                           

2018                                Theories are more than just theories: how to apply social psychological theories to social problems. Lecture, Universidad de Granada, Spain, March 4th

2018                    Jealousy and intra-sexual competitiveness:  social and biological influences.  Presentation for  the Department of Psychology, Universidad de Valencia, Spain, November  26th

2018                                Height: its psychological and evolutionary significance. 2nd Javea Workshop on Social and Evolutionary Psychology. Javea, Spain, June 28 – 30 2018

2018                                ¿Que prefiere la gente en su pareja? Lecture, Universidad de Granada, Spain, March 2nd

2017                                Social comparisons and well-being: the role of social comparison orientation. In K. Corcoran (Convener). Social comparisons for health and well-being. Symposium presented at the 18th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, July 7th.

2017                                Individual differences in intrasexual competitiveness. In D. Kenrick (Convener), Sex similarities, sex differences and sexual antagonisms. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Boise, ID, June 1st.

2017 Man, vrouw, macht en seks. Debat met Liliane Ploumen, Sander Schimmelpenninck, Bram Buunk, Daniela Hooghiemstra, & Jolanda Withuis. De Rode Hoed, Amsterdam, 12 november.

2016                                Height: its psychological and evolutionary significance. Opening Academic Year. Department of Psychology, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, May 9th.

2016                                Diferencias de género en las características del rival que provocan celos: una perspectiva evolucionista. Opening Academic Year, Universidad de Viña del Mar, Chile.

2015                               Jealousy and intrasexual competition: From unconscious processes to hormonal influences. Colloquium department of Psychology, Univerity of Connecticut, October 26nd.

2015                             The eternal rival: jealousy among heterosexuals, lesbians, gay men and transgender individuals. Special presentation for  the LGBT Health Series Columbia University,  New York, October 20th.

2015                             From jealousy to intrasexual competitveness: Social, physical, and physiological processes. Invited lecture at the conference  ‘The Evolution of Human Behavior and its Neuroendocrine Regulation’, Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture. Erice, Sicily, June 17th-21st

2015                           De werkvloer en intermenseleijke verhoudingen. Academische Opleidingen Groningen, Amersfoort, De Flint, June 11th 

2015                           Celos y características del rival. Lecture for Facultad de Humanidades, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, April 9th.

2014                          Why and how to publish. Workshop for the University of Curacao, Willlemstad Curacao, February

2014                          Achtergronden van jaloezie en de eeuwige rivaal. Lezing voor de Anton de Kom Universiteit, Paramaribo, Suriname, October 27th.

2014                        Bram Buunk over jaloezie. Lezing in serie Top of the Profs ter gelegenheid van het 400 jarig bestaan van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Drents Museum, Assen, 12 juni 2014.

2014                     Het late gelijk van Darwin: Het belang van een evolutionaire invalshoek in de psychologie. Lezing voor het Symposium Darwin in een maatschappelijke context. Johannes Juda Groen Stichting voor Interdisciplinair Gedragswetenschappelijk Onderzoek (SIGO). Odeon Concertzaal, Amsterdam 22 mei.

2014                         Publishing in international journals. Workshop for the Universidad Católica del Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay, March.

2013                        Van nature maatschappelijk: De evolutionaire benadering van social problemen in de Cariben. Inaugurele Rede als Hoogleraar Sociale en Organisatie Psychologie,  University of Curacao, Willemstad, Curacao, October 8th.

2013                         Prevalentie en achtergronden huiselijk geweld in San Carlos en omgeving. Lezing voor Stedenband Groningen-San Carlos, 23 April.

2013                         Jealousy and intrasexual competition: From unconscious processes to hormonal influences. Invited Plenary Address, European Evolution and Human Behavior Association, Amsterdam, March 24th.

2013                         Intrasexual competition, social aspects, unconscious processes and hormonal influences. Keynote lecture at the 3rd Brazilian Conference on Interpersonal Relationship Research – The 1st Latin American Meeting on Family and Interpersonal Relationships III, Vitória (ES), Brazil, July 20th.

2011                        Perspectivas sobre los celos: el papel del rival. III Congreso Internacional de Investigación y Práctiva Profesional en Psicologia, homage to prof. dr. Narciso Benbenaste, Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Buenos Aires República Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 23rd

2011                       Sex difference in rivals that evoke jealousy. The Evolutionary Psychology Research Group of Pécs (EPRGP), Pécs, Hungary, May 13th

2011                       Psicología evolucionista e investigación. Conferencia Magistral. Programa Profesional de Psicología de la UCSM. Arequipa, Peru, March 30th

2010                           La perspectiva evolucionista: la importancia de estatus y de la competencia intrasexual. Universidad de Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November, 25th.

2010                           Publishing in English language journals. Workshop at the Facultad de Psicología, Dpto. Metodología, Valencia, Spain, July, 15th-16th.

2010                          Ouderlijke invloed op de partnerkeuze, een evolutionair perspectief. Invited lecture at the University of Netherlands Antilles, Willemstad, Curacao, June, 29th.

2010                          Darwin Dialogue twin lecture (KNAW) Evolutionaire Psychologie. Aletta Jacobs College, Hoogezand, March 9th.

2009                          Workshop Grant Applications. Theme meeting Heeft peer review nog een toekomst? KNAW, Amsterdam, November, 30th.

2009                        Partnerkeuze: biologie of psychologie? Lecture at discussion organised by Naturalis Science Café Leiden, Leiden, the Netherlands, September 7th.

2009                          War is part of human nature. Conference Justin in Motion: From Nüremberg to The Hague and Beyond. on the occasion of the Erasmus Prize 2009, International Judicial Court, Peace Palace, The Hague, The Netherlands, November 12th.

2009                          Chair Plenary session Sex and reproduction. NWO Conference Human Evolution and Behaviour,, Evolutionary Basis of Human Behaviour. Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, September 17th

2009                          Dagvoorzitter en lezing Symposium De genese van massaal geweld. KNAW, Amsterdam, 8 juni

2009                          Evolutionaire psychologie: het ultieme gelijk van Darwin. Meeting Darwin en Evolutie, KNAW, Amsterdam, 12 mei.

2009                       Organizational behavior from an evolutionary perspective. Universidad de Valencia, May, 2009.

2009                       Medidas de estatus, competición, y comparación social. Guest Lecture for Graduate Seminar on Methodology, Dept. de Psicología, Universidad de Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR, March 17th.

2009             Los celos desde la perspectiva de la psicología evolucionista. Universidad de Palermo, Buenos Aires – Argentina, March 15th.

2009                       Diferencias de género en las características del rival que provocan celos: una perspectiva evolucionista. Colloquium for the Instituto de Investigaciones Psicológicas, Universidad de Costa Rica, San José,  March 10th.

2008                      La perspectiva evolucionista, comparación social y los celos. Universidad Católica, Facultad de Psicología, Montevideo, Uruguay, November.

2008                      Evolutie en psychologie: het gelijk van Darwin [Evolution and psychology: Darwin was right after all]. Tafelspreker Negende Avond van Wetenschap en Maatschappij, Den Haag, the Netherlands, November 8th.

2008                   El papel de la comparación social en la adaptación a cáncer. Psicosalud 2008, 5th Conferencia Internacional de Psicología de la Salud, La Habana, Cuba, October 13th-17th.

2008                     Consciously and automatically evaluating one’s romantic rivals: an evolutionary approach of jealousy. Doshisha University Kyoto, Japan, July.

2008                     ´Ziek maar kerngezond´: De psychologie van medisch onverklaarbare klachten. Lezing voor het GAB, Mei.

2008                      Las relaciones íntimas y los celos: una perspectiva evolucionista. Seminario Universidad Católica, Facultad de Psicología, Montevideo, Uruguay, April 12th.

2008                     The importance and evolution of leadership. Invited Address at the 3rd Punta del Este Conference ‘Leadership in the 21st century´, Punta del Este, Uruguay, April 10th.

2008                     La perspectiva evolucionista y la psicología positiva. Workshop Graduate Students, Universidad de Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina, March.

2007                      Jaloezie en intraseksuele competitie [Jealousy and intrasexual competition]. Tafelspreker Achtste Avond van Wetenschap en Maatschappij, The Hague, the Netherlands, November 6h.

2007                     Relaciones intimas y celos: Una perspectiva evolucionista. Universidade Federal do  Esperito Santo, Vitoria, Brazilie,  October 2007.

2006                     WHY are we jealous? Symposium ‘Ultimate questions in behavioral biology’. University of Groningen, December 12th.

2006                    Evolutietheorie en psychologie: het ultieme gelijk van Darwin [Evolution and psychology: Darwin was right after all]. Themabijeenkomst ‘Evolutie’, KNAW, November 6th.

2006                    Quality of working life. Work and Stress. Seminar ‘Organizational structure and processes: Conceptual models’. Erasmus Mundus Program, Universidad de Valencia, October – November.

2006                    Evaluación automática de los rivales sentimentales: estudio evolutionisto de los celos. Workshop Graduate Students, Universidad de la Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentinie, Septiembre.

2006                    Comparación social en organizaciones. Workshop for the Programma Doctorado Interuniversitario de Psicología de Trabajo y Organizaciones, Madrid, April

2006                    Automatically evaluating one’s romantic rivals: a social cognitive approach to studying jealousy from an evolutionary perspective’. Sydney Symposium on Social Psychology. Invited address for ‘Evolution of the social mind: Evolutionary psychology and social cognition’ , Australia, Sydney, March 13th-16th.

2005-2006                       Comparacíon social y activacíon del conflicto en las organizaciones.. Curso Doctorado interuniversitario psicología de las organizaciones y del trabajo (POT). Mención de Calidad del Miniterio de Educacíon, Cultura y deporte. 2005-2006.

2005                    El papel de la comparición social en la adaptación a cáncer. Congreso de la Sociedad Interamericana de Psicologia, Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 29th.

2005                      Comparación social y adaptación en la enfermedad crónica. Invited Lecture, Instituto de Psicologia, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela, February.

2005                    Efectos de la comparacíon social: El papel de la orientacíon hacia la comparacíon social. Conferencía Presentada al Departamento de Biología, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, March.

2005                    Comparación social en organizaciones. Workshop for the Programma Doctorado Interuniversitario de Psicología de Trabajo y Organizaciones, Madrid, March.

2004                    Calidad de vida de los pacientes con cancer’. Invited address for ‘Estrategias de Intervención Psicosocial Individual/Grupal Familiar y Comunitaria’. I. Curso Taller Internacional de Postgrado, Universidad Católica de Santa Maria, Arequipa, Perú, July 1st.

2004                    Burnout: Estar quemado en el trabajo. Hacia una teoría interpersonal. Invited address for ‘Estrategias de Intervención Psicosocial Individual/Grupal Familiar y Comunitaria’. I. Curso Tailer Internacional de Postgrado, Universidad Católica de Santa Maria, Arequipa, Perú, July 2nd.

2004                     Burnout: Estar quemado en el trabajo. Hacia una teoría interpersonal. Invited address at the 4° Coloquio sobre Investigación Psicológica en la Organización del Trabajo, Area de Psicologíca del Trabajo y sus Organizaciones, Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay, June 17th, 18th, and 24rd.

2004                    Personality and social comparison. Invited address for the 12th European Conference on Personality, Groningen, The Netherlands, July 18th-22nd.

2004                    Comparación social y adaptación en la enfermedad cronica. Invited lecture for the Universidad de Almeria, Almeria, Spain, March 22nd.

2004                    El circulo vicioso de burnout: Efectos longitudinales de la comparación social sobre el burnout. Invited lecture Universidad de Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico, January 26th.

2004                    Social comparison and psychological well-being: Predicting assimilation and contrast effects. Invited lecture for workshop ‘Cognitic’. Clermont Ferrand, France, January.

2004                    A revision of social comparison theory? The role of social comparson orientation. Invited lecture, Laboratoire de Psychologie sociale et cognitive. Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont Ferrand, France, January.

2003                    Comparación social en organizaciones. Workshop for the Programma Doctorado Interuniversitario de Psicología de Trabajo y Organizaciones, Madrid, November.

2003                    Comparación social en organizaciones. Workshop for the Programma Doctorado Interuniversitario de Psicología de Trabajo y Organizaciones, Valencia, September 8th-9th.

2003 Efectos longitudinales de la compariación social sobre el burnout y el estrés de rol en fermeria. Paper presented at the 29th Congreso Interamericano de Psicología, Lima, Peru, July 13th-18th.

2003                     El papel de la comparación social en el desarrollo de burnout y el estrés. Lecture for the VIII Congreso Nacional de Psicología Social, Malaga, Spain, April 10th.

2003                      Diferencias individuales en la comparación social: Implicaciones para las relaciones íntimas, la salud y las organizaciones. Invited lecture, Universidad de Malaga, Spain,  April 8th.

2002                       Comparación social y adaptación en la enfermedad cronica. Invited lecture for the Symposium ‘Psicologia de la enfermedad cronica’. Universidad Internacional Menendez Pelayo, Alicante, Spanje, September 9th-13th.

2002                    The relevance of social comparison theory for health, coping and prevention. Invited lecture for the International Postgraduate Seminar in Health Psychology, held at San Miguel Hernández University, San Juan, Spain, 8th-10th.

2002                    La relevancia de la teoría de la comparación social para la salud, el afrontamiento y la prevención: el papel de la orientación hacia la comparación social. Invited lecture, Universitat Jaume, Castellon, Spain, January 8th.

2001                    La relevancia de la teoría de la comparación social para la salud, el afrontamiento y la prevención: el papel de la orientación hacia la comparación social. Invited lecture, Depto de Psicologia de la Salud, Universitat San Miguel Hernández, Elche, Spain, October.

2001                      Some individuals compare themselves more, and differently, with others than others: Why individual differences in social comparison orientation are more important than other differences. Invited lecture for the 1st KLI Workshop on Social Comparison. Groningen, The Netherlands, May 28-29th.

2001                    The relevance of social comparison theory for health, coping and prevention. Invited lecture for the conference “Promoting publice health”, Chambery, France, May 10th-12th.

2001                    Social comparison and affect at work. Invited Addressfor the Postgraduate program ´Stress and emotions at work and in social relations´. Fonds National “Programme Prioritaire”. Murten, Zwitserland, July 8th-11th.

1999                    Is social comparison good for your health? It depends on who you are: the role of individual differences in social comparison oriëntation. Invited Adress, The 13th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Psychology and the Renaissance of Health. Florence, October.

1999                    Living at any price? A review of the psychosocial aspects of cancer. Invited address for the Dutch Cancer Society Symposium at the occasion of its 50th anniversary, Amsterdam, August.

1998                    I don’t compare but when I look at all those other relationships: The benefits of social comparison in close relationships. Invited Address, The 9th International Conference on Personal Relations­hips, Saratoga Springs, NY, June.

1998                    Reciprocity in human relationships. Invited Address, Van der Gaag Foundation of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences, Amsterdam, April.

1997                    La experiencia de quemarse en el trabajo de los profesionales y respuestas ante la comparación social. Invited Address, Universitat de València, Facultat de Psicologia, November 5th.

1995                    Reciprocity and equity in interpersonal relationships: The role of individu­al differences. Colloquium Departement of Psychology, Arizona State University, AZ, August.

1995                    Equity and reciprocity in interpersonal relationships: the role of individu­al differences. Invited address, 5th International Conferen­ce on Social Justice Research, Reno, Nevada, June.

1994                    Developments in social comparison research. Informal address for the Social Psychology Research Group, Iowa State University, IA, September.

1994                    Social comparison and stress. Colloquium at Iowa State Univer­sity, Ames, IA, October.

1993                    Jealousy in close relationships. Vortrag für die Uni­versität Olden­burg, Germa­ny, November 23rd.

1992                    Social comparison in different contexts. Nags Head Confe­ren­ce on Social Compari­son, Florida, May.

1991                    Social exchange and social comparison in close and work rela­tions­hips. Collo­quium at the Dept. of Psychology, University of Dundee, Scot­land, January.

1991                    Social exchange in close relationships. Invited Address, 3rd Confe­rence of the International Network on Personal Relations­hips, Bloomington, IL, May.

1991                    Stress at work, social support and companionship: towards an event-contin­gent recording approach. Invited Paper for the Workshop `A heal­thier work environ­ment: Basic concepts and measurement’, organized by the Commission of the European Communities and the WHO, Stock­holm, Sweden, March.

1990                    Social exchange and social comparison in relationships. Collo­quium at the Internatio­nal Center for Social Justice Research, Utrecht, The Netherlands, November.

1990                    Professional burnout: A perspective from social comparison theo­ry. Invited Address, ENOP Workshop on Professional Bur­nout, Krakow, Poland, September.

1989                    Jealousy in close relationships. Colloquium presented at the Dept. of Psycholo­gy, Universi­ty of Iowa, Iowa City, October.

1989                    Social comparison and social exchange in close and work rela­tions­hips. Vortrag für das Psychologisches Institut der Uni­versität Tübin­gen, Germa­ny, Decem­ber.

1988                    A microanalysis of the stress-reducing functions of social support at work. Colloquium presented at the Dept. of Psycho­logy, University of Iowa, Iowa City, June.

1988                    Equity in marital relationships. Colloquium presented at the Applied Psycholo­gy Centre and Dept. of Psychology, Kent State University, June.

1985                    Marriage and sexuality in the Netherlands: A comparison with the United States. Lecture given at the Inter­national Seminar on Human Sexuality organized by the City University of New York, Maas­tricht, The Netherlands, July.

1985                    Issues in jealousy research. Colloquium given at the De­partment of Psycho­logy, Texas Tech University, Lub­bock, Texas, November.

1984                    Passionate love and the development of close relationships. Paper presen­ted for the discussion group ‘Affect and interpersonal relations’, Department of Psychology, University of Californi­a, Los Ange­les, January.

1983                    Cross-national differences in the context and structure of close relations­hips. Colloqui­um presented at the Department of Psycholo­gy, Univer­sity of California, Los Ange­les, October.

1983                    A cross-cultural perspective on close relati­onships. Collo­quium presented at the Department of Psychology, University of Californi­a, Santa Barbara, October.

1983                    The experience and management of jealousy: An exchange theo­retical perspec­tive. Colloqui­um presented at the Department of Psychology, San Diego State Universi­ty, San Diego, October.

1983                    The shifting balance: Cross-cultural diffe­rences in autonomy and toge­ther­ness in relations­hips. Colloquium presented at the Interdivi­sional Program on Marriage and the Family, Tallahas­see, FL, November.

1982                    Intimate relationships in social context in the Netherlands. Colloquium presented at the Minneso­ta Family Study Center and the Center for Northwest European Language and Area Studies, University of Minnesota, Minneapo­lis, MI, May.

1982                    Between autonomy and commitment. Invited Address for the sympo­sium ‘Sexua­li­ty, couple, and family therapy’. Communi­cation Centre of the Academic Psychiat­ric Clinic, Catholic Universi­ty, Louvain, Belgium, November.

1982                    Social psychological aspects of jealousy in close relations­hips. Vortrag für das Psycholo­gisches Institut der Westfäli­sche Wihelms Universität Müns­ter, Germany, November.

1978                    The experience of jealousy. Guest lecture given at the Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, September.