

I. Aristegui                The changing public and private experience of
transgender people (with A. Castro Solano). University of Groningen, 18 May, 2020

M. Leenders              Psychological determinants of career development in a changing labour market (with K. Henkens). University of Groningen, June 12th, 2017

A. A. A. Mailhos       Height, hands & handwriting. University of Groningen, June 8th, 2017

C. Prabawanti            Towards effective interventions for transgender people and their clients to prevent HIV infection and transmission (with A. Dijkstra). University of Groningen, December 21st, 2015.

O. van Bummen-Girigori     Father absence. The consequences for reporductive behavior and mating strategies among females. University of Groningen, November 19th, 2015

C. Ras                       You are what you wear: The effects of exposure to others who are wearing high status or high attractiveness brands on self-perception and behaviour (with A. Dijkstra). University of Groningen, April 23rd, 2015

T.M. Brakel               The effects of social comparison information on cancer survivors’ quality of life. A field-experimental approach (with A. Dijkstra). University of Groningen, June 19th, 2014

R. Heydanus              Wat beweegt iemand om vrijmetselaar te worden en te blijven? Proeve van en sociaal wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar de Nederlandse vrijmetselaar (met A.F.W.M. van de Sande). Leiden University, April 3rd, 2014

K.D. Cobey               Female fysiology meets psychology. Menstrual cycle & contraceptive pill effects. (with T.V. Pollet). University of Groningen, September 5th.2013 

G. Stulp                     Sex, stature, status. Natural selection on height in contemporary human populations (with S. Verhulst). University of Groningen  March 21st, 2013.

L. Klavina                 ‘They steal our women’. Outgroup members as romantic rivals (with T.V. Pollet). University of Groningen, July 9th, 2012

L. van der Meij          When a boy meets a girl: the role of hormones in social situations relevant to male mating (with  A. Salvador). University of Groningen & University of Valencia, January 12th, 2012

A.D. Hoben               Parent-offspring conflict over mate choice. University of Groningen, July 14th, 2011

S.L. Dubbs                Mating strategies and parental offspring conflict (with T.V. Pollet). University of Groningen, April 11th, 2011

A.Z. Bosch                Mirrors and reflections. Social comparison orientation and self-perception of physical attractiveness in women (with. F.W. Siero). University of Groningen, October 28th, 2010

S. Dalley                   Women’s body image dissatisfaction and restrictive eating behaviour : a tyranny of a thin-ideal or a fear of fat? University of Groningen, October 14th, 2010

G.L. Leckie               Cervical Cancer, proxies for HPV exposure, screening scare and use of proximal and distal defense behaviors in fear buffering (with A. Dijkstra). University of Groningen, June 24th, 2010

M. Bügel                   The application of psychological theories for an improved understanding of customer relationships (with P. Verhoef). University of Groningen, Faculy of Econonics and Business Sciences, June 3rd, 2010.

A. Våånånen             Source of support, balance of support and health: A gender-focused cohort study from Finland (with J. Vahtera en M.Kivimäki). University of Groningen, May 20th, 2010

K. Massar                  Unconscious rivals: the automatic evaluation of rivals in jealousy-evoking situations. University of Groningen, May 14th, 2009

M.W. Vos                  Identity patterns in diverse workgroups: improving social integration outcomes through relational identities (with K. van Oudenhoven-Van der Zee). University of Groningen, April 16th, 2009

M.Wehrens               How did YOU do? Social comparison in secundary education (with H. Kuyper). University of Groningen, April 28th. 2008

L. Niezink                 Considering others in need. On altruism, empathy and perspective taking (with F.W. Siero). University of Groningen, March 27 th, 2008

C. Carmona               Inferior or superior: social comparison in Dutch and Spanish organizations (with J.M. Peiro & A. Dijkstra). University of Groningen & University of Valencia, September 7th, 2006.

R. Smaniotto             ‘You scratch my back and I scratch yours’ versus ‘love thy neighbour’: two proximate mechanisms of reciprocal altruism (with F. N. Stokman, A. Flache & H. de Vos). University of Groningen, November 11th, 2004.

H. Groothof              When others are doing better or worse: Responses from the heart and the head (with F.W. Siero). University of Groningen, September 30th, 2004

M. Luxen                  Evolutionary studies in personnel psychology. University of Groningen, September 2nd, 2004

N. Frieswijk               Frail, but happy: The importance of self-management ability and social comparison for the subjective well-being of elderly persons (with J.P.J. Slaets & N. Steverink). University of Groningen, June 10th, 2004.

D. Barelds                 Personality in intimate relationships (with C.P.D.R. Schaap & F. Luteyn). University of Groningen, February 3rd, 2003.

F.T.C. Bennenbroek   Social comparison and coping with radiation therapy. The significance of different dimensions of comparison (with R. Sanderman). University of Groningen, March 27th, 2003.

H.E. Stiegelis             A life less ordinary: cognitive adaptation and psychological functioning among cancer patients treated with radiotherapy (with R. Sanderman). University of Groningen, April 2nd, 2003.

V. Brenninkmeijer     A drug called comparison: the pains and gains of social comparison among individuals suffering from burnout (with N. van Yperen). University of Groningen, May 23rd, 2002.

P. Dijkstra                 Men, women and their rivals: jealousy from an evolutionary psychological perspective. University of Groningen, November 29th, 2001

G. Willenborg            An integrated conceptual model of cooperative consumer relationships in services: development and test (with P. Leeflang). University of Groningen, May 31st, 2001

C.Y.D. Hoeksema-van Orden  Fatigue and performance in groups (with A.W.K. Gaillard). University of Groningen, September 28th, 2000.

R. Kuijer                   Give and take among couples facing cancer: equity concerns in the context of a serious illness (with R. Sanderman & J.F. Ybema). University of Groningen, January 27th, 2000.

M. Yzer                     Mass media campaigns to promote safe sex: an evaluation of public campaigns in the Netherlands (with F.W. Siero). University of Groningen, November 15th,1999.

F. Oldersma               Downward comparison in close relationships. a blessing in disguise? (with E. van der Vliert). University of Groningen, June 14th, 1999.

M. Berkhuysen          Toward tailor-made cardiac rehabilitation: getting at the heart of exercise matters (with J. Rispens & R. Sanderman). University of Groningen, March 11th, 1999

R.J.J.M. van den Eijnden     The impact of prevalence information regarding safe sex, University of Groningen, October 15th, 1998

E.S. Kluwer               Marital conflict over the division of labor: when partners become parents (with E. van de Vliert & J.A.M. Heesink). University of Groningen, June 4th, 1998.

L. Gerritsen               Meten met twee maten: het meten van eenzaamheid en relatieverbrekingen bij jong-volwassenen (with J. Gierveld). Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, April, 24th, 1997.

M. Hagedoorn           Employees’ reactions to dissatisfying situations: multi-method research with justice-based predictors (with E. van de Vliert). University of Groningen, May 18th, 1998.

D. van Dierendonck   Balancing give and take: an equity approach to burnout (with W.B. Schaufeli). Universiteit Utrecht, January 24 th, 1997.

J.P. van de Sande       Denken over situaties: verkenningen van inhoudelijke aspecten. University of Groningen, October 17th, 1996.

K.I. van der Zee         For better of for worse? Social comparison and coping with health problems (with R. Sanderman). University of Groningen, October 10th, 1996.

M. Schuurman           De invloed van overredende boodschappen met meerderheids- of minderheidssteun (met F.W. Siero). University of Groningen, May 30th, 1996,

K.S. Prins                  Van ‘gastarbeider’ tot ‘Nederlander’: adaptatie van Marokkanen en Turken in Nederland (met J.P.L.M. van Oudenhoven). University of Groningen, February 29th, 1996.

A.B. Bakker              Denk na, vrij veilig: descriptief en experimenteel onderzoek naar attitudes tegenover condoomgebruik (met F.W. Siero). University of Groningen, January 19th, 1995.

J.F. Ybema                Up & down: affective responses to social comparison. University of Groningen, December 19th, 1994.

W.C.M. Mutsaers      Voor de tweede keer: tweede en eerste huwelijken vergeleken. University of Groningen, November 4th, 1994

A.V. Ranchor            Social class, psychosocial factors and disease: from description towards explanation (with W. van den Heuvel, R. Sanderman & J. Bouma). University of Groningen. September 29th, 1994.

M.C.W. Peeters         Supportive interactions and stressful events at work:  an event-recording approach (with W.B. Schaufeli). Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen, November 4th,1994.

L.E.M. Hopstaken     “Willens en wetens” : ziekmelden als beredeneerd gedrag (met F.W. Siero). University of Groningen, September 1st,1994.

S.A.E. Geurts            Absenteeism from a social psychological perspective (with W.B. Schaufeli). Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen, June 21st, 1994.

K. Bügel                    Sekseverschillen in tekstbegrip bij moderne vreemde talen (met C. Glas). University of Groningen, November 4th, 1993.

P.P.M. Janssen           Relatieve deprivatie in de middenloopbaanfase bij hoger opgeleide mannen: een vergelijking tussen drie leeftijdsgroepen (met Ch.J. de Wolff). Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen, 1992

N. van Yperen           Sociale vergelijking en sociale uitwisseling in huwelijksrelaties. Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen, 1990.

K. Schreurs               Vrouwen in lesbische relaties: verbondenheid, autonomie en seksualiteit (met J.H. Dijksterhuis, C.J. Weeda & A.X. van Naerssen). Universiteit Utrecht, 1990.

Th.E.M. Miltenburg   Langdurige werkloosheid (met Ch.J. de Wolff). Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen, 1990.

Cl. Woldringh            Langdurige werkloosheid.(met Ch.J. de Wolff). Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen, 1990.